Might help to lower your stress factor – “LAUGH N LAUGH”

Do stop taking yourself so seriously. Engage in activities that make you laugh, be around people that make you laugh, find the humour in things, because laughter has been shown to increase your immune function and disease resistance. Research shows that laughter may be beneficial to health. Laughing appears to stimulate digestion, ease stress, reduce muscle tension,lower blood pressure and boost blood flow; researchers have found that it may even reduce the risk of developing heart disease.

One study indicated that people who responded to stress by seeing the humour of the bright side in the situation had higher blood levels of immunoglobulin A (a key antibody) then their gloomier counterparts.

While painful emotions such as anger and grief can impair health, laughter does the opposite. A real belly laugh increases infection-fighting antibodies amd boosts natural killer-cell activity. Even looking forward to a good time can enhance immunity. Make sure your weekend is plenty of time for fun.

Even if you grow up in a boring household environment, and laughter was not a common sound, you can still learn to laugh at any stage of life. Begin by setting aside special times or moments and this will eventually seek out humour and laughter. Smiling more often is a great place to start.

Whenever you look at someone or see something even mildly pleasing, practise smiling. Spend time with people who naturally take life lightly, who routinely find ordinary events hysterical. their points of views and their laughter are contagious. Ha ha ha ha ha ha, he he he he he ……

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Healthy living begins with the intestinal tract

Your intestinal tract is the source of all nutrients access to your body. If it isn’t working properly, you will have two major problems. First, you have a hard time digesting food properly – breaking it down sufficiently so that your body can use it. And then, if you can digest it properly, if the intestinal wall is covered with hardened waste and colonies of bad bacteria, you’ll end up absorbing only a fraction of the nutritional value of the food you eat. The colon is the main elimination channel of the body. It is the means by which we eliminate the toxic waste of the digestive process, including massive amounts of E.Coli bacteria and parasite larvae. If that waste hangs around longer than necessary, its impact on the body is profound. The liver filters out dangerous drugs residues and poisons from the blood and passes them out of the body through the colon via the bile duct. Plug the colon and everything backs up – the net results is sickness and disease. The important point to remember here is that you can’t even begin to cleanse and repair the other systems in the body until you clean out the colon so that the toxic material will have a path out of the body.
The colon is not designed to store large amounts of old fecal matter. If you have pounds of extra garbage in there, there’s only one thing that can happen; the colon must distend and expand. These causes the walls of the colon to thin out(like blowing up a balloon more and more). As the walls extend out, they press on and compress other organs in the abdominal cavity. Also, old fecal matter is an ideal breeding ground for harmful bacteria and dangerous parasites.
any program, then, designed to improve our health or to eliminate disease from our bodies must begin with intestinal cleansing and detoxification.

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Sensible Remedies

Keep room temperatures low because warm environments can bring hot flashes on. Keep a diary to track when they happen-you may use this information to help find what triggers them. When hot flashes starts, go somewhere cool. Take more frequent cold baths to cool the body down. Use all the natural cooling products, especially for cleanser. Try sleeping in a cool room. And use sheets that let your skin “breathe”. Wear light clothing in layers that you can take off if you get too warm. Cold drinks(water and juice) can offer relief – drink lots of them. Magnesium(found in beans,soy and whole grains) is also helpful. The kind of deep breathing exercise can reduce the rate of hot flashes by about half.

Estrogen only has a temporary effect against osteoporosis. Although it may decrease the rate at which old bone is torn down, formulation of new bone eventually decreases in some 3-5 years anyway. Generally speaking, for healthy bones, women require 800 – 1,000 mg of calcium daily. During pregnancy, lactation and menopause, calcium needs increase to 1,000 – 1,500 mg daily. Good sources of calcium include sesame seeds, almonds, low-fat yogurt, tuna, sardines(with the bones), dark and green leafy vegetables (e.g kale and broccoli), tofu, and various seaweeds. Avoid eating food that can steal minerals like white sugar. Keep your consumption of protein from animal sources(meat, fish, dairy products) low. Avoid foods that contain phosphorus or phosphate additives(e.g processed foods and fizzy soft drinks). Our bones also diminish in size and strength when not used. In postmenopausal women, moderate exercise preserves bone mass in the spine, and helps to reduce fracture risks.

According to experts, exercising for 30 minutes a day can reduce the risk of heart diseases, as exercise can combat weight gain, a factor in heart disease.

Be active. Results show that women who are more active experience less hot flashes, stress, anxiety attacks and sleep difficulties.

Exercise can affect the mood in a positive manner. When you exercise”feel good” hormones, called endorphins, are released in the brain. Endorphins are involved in the body’s positive response to stress. The mood heightening effect of exercise can last for several hours.

If you suffering from breast cancer, PMS, fibroids, ovarian cysts, and other conditions that estrogen exacerbates, these estrogen – inhibiting foods might be of interest to you: berries, broccoli, cabbage, citrus foods, corn, fruits(except apples, cherries, dates and pomegranates), grapes, green beans, melons, onions, pears, pineapples, squashes, tapioca, white rice, white flour.

Eat Flaxseed and high-protein soybean products(e.g tofu, soy milk and tempeh); they have estrogenic activity. Foods rich in the mineral boron can also boost estrogen levels in postmenopausal women in a stunning degree.

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My latest book, “Toksin Masuk-Toksin Keluar”.

Book Title : Toksin Masuk – Toksin Keluar
Published by : Alaf21 Karangkraf

” You become what you eat!”
A lot of degenerative diseases are caused by toxin accumulation in your body!

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Celery Juice – Awesome!

Celery juice is high in Chlorophyll, which cleanses the blood. It is also high in organic sodium, which nourishes the lymph fluid and helps hold calcium in solution. Celery juice helps prevent, as well as to dissolve, the crystals that occur with arthritis, gout, kidney stones, and gallstones. The stomach is lined with natural sodium, and fluid in the eyes is high in sodium. Celery juice can be helpful in cases of dry eyes or stomach disorders, acting to neutralize acids in the stomach as well as throughout the body. It contains coumarin which enhances blood flow and has antifungal and anti-tumor properties. It also contains pthalides, a phytochemical which can assist with lowering high blood pressure. Celery juice can calm the nerves, improve bowel function, help to lower cholesterol, and release excess fluids that cause swelling. It is high in potassium and can relieve muscle cramps. It is delicious mixed with carrot juice!
Note : Those taking blood thinners should use sparingly.

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Cucumber Juice is good for us. Why?

Cucumber juice is a delicious juice that is high in water content. Remember , we need to drink at least 8 glasses of mineral water daily. Cucumber juice helps hydrate cells when you have a fever or are just “dry” and thirsty. A cucumber’s precious naturally distilled water helps cool the body and calm the nerves. It acts as a natural diuretic and flushes the kidneys, and it assists in lowering high blood pressure. Please use only organic cucumbers, and juice the entire vegetable, including the skin. The peel is high in chlorophyll, which cleanses the blood, as well as silicon, a mineral that nourishes the nerves and connective tissue, helping prevent wrinkles, varicose veins, and hemorrhoids.

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A story about soft drinks!

Soft drinks are addictive and very harmful to the body. One canned soft drink contains thirteen teaspoons of sugar. Some diet drinks are even more toxic because they contain aspartame – a serious poison!. Beware of those sweetened with Splenda as well. Most soft drinks are high in caffeine and can cause heart palpitations. Many of young teenager and youth, especially in high school, college campuses are seriously addicted to soft drinks, and they are beginning to riot their teeth and destroy their pancreases at a young age!. If you are one of them, you can replace them delightful natural fruit juices. Mix pure fruit juice with sparkling mineral water. Or mix sparkling mineral water with a dash of lemon. Add some liquid stevia as a sweetener. Drinks made with water, stevia, lemon actually nourish your body, balance the pancreas, few or no calories, and place no burden on the liver. They don’t cause blood sugar highs or lows. When we consume drinks sweetened with refined white sugar or high fructose syrup, the pancreas must produce lots of insulin to manage the influx of concentrated sugar. You may feel energized for an hour, then weak when the sugar passes out of their systems. Stevia nourishes the body without making the pancreas have to work so hard. Black cherry and apple juice are also good with mineral water. Natural soft drinks, such as ginger ale are also available – always pay attention to the ingredients. These natural soft drinks contain good ingredients such as water, natural fruit juice, stevia, ginger, vanilla or other natural flavorings. If you are diabetic or hypoglycemic consume drinks sweetened with fruit juice sparingly. Again, don’t forget to read labels when purchasing natural soft drinks. Some will say they are natural although they contain Splenda, artificial colorings and preservatives.

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Cleansing within – is a must!

True secret to great health, youth, and vitality is in cleansing the body and mind and then adopting a lifestyle that includes clear thoughts, natural foods, pure waste, fresh air,sunshine and exercise. Body and mind cleansing is an essential part of healing. When the body is burden with toxic waste material, it will be tired and have a low immune function. When the body is clean, it can absorb the essential nutrients it needs to heal, and maintain good health. Throughout the ages, people from all walks of life have cleansed their bodies of morbid waste. Whole body cleansing through bowel management has saved some people from severe illnesses that could not be healed through any other means. Faulty digestion can keep food from being properly processed and sent out of the body. Undigested food remains in the body and creates fermentation, putrefaction, and free radicals, which cause us to age before our time. In addition, parasites feed on undigested waste materials as well as starch and sugar. It is not uncommon for people to have a tapeworm, hookworm, or liver flukes! A lot of people are fatigued and can’t think clearly. Their bodies are toxic. All the blood flows through the colon by osmosis and will either pick up nutrients that nourish the body or toxins that can cause exhaustion and disease. Cleansing the colon can greatly improve the quality of the blood that circulates throughout the body, eventually cleansing all the tissues. Do we need to cleanse our whole body? Yes, whole body cleansing is a ten day program during which you eat whole natural organic foods (mostly vegetables) that have been prepared to be as soft as possible or made into a soup for easy digestion.During the cleanse, you drink purified water, herbal teas, broths, and raw vegetable juices. Just make sure, while practicing this, do spend time lying on your back in a comfortable position. Make sure to get excess to toilets. Cleansing the colon allows the body to release old fecal matter, which has been often been held for years! As well as parasites of all sorts, both living and dead, have been expelled into the toilet. One will usually feel tremendously relief, especially if they are, and have been, chronically constipated. Toxins accumulate in the body for various reasons. These may include drugs, noxious fecal compounds, heavy metals, pesticides and more depending on what we eats. Mucoid plaque contributes toward a high percentage of pathological problems, as well as premature death.
Most of the foods and water people ingest today are laden with chemicals, and not all of them are eliminated. For instance, water itself, may contain chemicals and their by-products, pesticides, and heavy metals as well. In addition, when we live in polluted cities, or if we smoke, the lungs become laden with tar and soot. The blood eventually carries some of this into the liver and intestinal tract.

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All about your HEART!

The heart lies in the center of the chest between the lungs. The upper, wider portion of the heart points toward the right shoulder, while the lower part points toward the left side of the body. The heart beats in the lower section. This is why many people believe incorrectly that the heart is entirely on the left side of the body. The heart is a very busy pump linked by a hundred thousand miles of pipeline. It is about the size of your fist and weight less than a pound. It beats seventy times each minut and pumps five quarts of blood through its chambers every sixty seconds. By the end of each day, the heart has pumped more than a hundred thousand times. The heart is essential to life. As long as it pumps blood, the body will receives the oxygen it needs. When the heart stops, the oxygen supply is cut off and the body dies. A buildup of fatty deposits and calcium in the arteries causes a heart attack. We must keep the heart’s pipeline clean and healthy.

Maintaining healthy heart:
-Avoid foods fried in fat or hydrogenated oils.
-Cook only with olive, grape seed or coconut oil.
-Eat only oils that have been cold-pressed.
-Include flaxseed oil in your nutritional program.
-Avoid healthy processed cheeses and creams.
-Avoid margarine and eat organic butter sparingly.
-Eat lots of raw and steamed vegetables, raw nuts and seeds and whole grains.
-I you eat meat, eat only lean meat sparingly, baked or broiled fish, chicken and turkey.
-Eat foods high in potassium.
-Drink fanugreek, fennel seed or hawthorne tea.
-Take Vitamin E, magnesium, A-flow(it chelats plaque from arteries), and policosanol(lowers cholesterol). Also take CoCQ10 which is found in every cell of the body and which acts as an enzyme and facilitates the activities of other enzymes. CoCQ10 is a also a powerful antioxidant, and act as a catalyst to promote energy production in the cells. The heart and the liver contain and need the highest amounts of it.
-Exercise daily to keep the blood circulating and keep the heart muscle strong.

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All about your EYES!

The eyes are our most important organs for learning about our world. They help us to see our friends, families, our surroundings, and the beauty of nature. We can even view the stars, which are trillions of miles away! Amazing.

The human eyeball is about an inch in diameter. It is seated in fat, inside a space, or orbit in the skull, surrounded by bone. Each eyeball has six muscles attached, which move it and control the size of the pupil. The conjunctiva(a mucous membrane) covers the front of the eyeball, except for the cornea. Nerves within the conjunctiva warn us if a foreign object, like a particle of dust, enters the eye. The cornea is a clear dome of tissue over the iris, the colored part of the eye. The iris is like a thin curtain of tissue infront of the lens. The crystalline lens is about the size of a small lima bean. The pupil, which looks like a black hole, is located in the center of the iris. Light passes through the cornea, the iris, and the pupil. The center of the eyeball holds a clear jellylike substance called the vitreous humor. The retina is located in the inner layer of the eyeball. It contains light-sensitive cells called rods and cones. Cones help us see in daylight, and rods help us to see at night. Nerves fibers come together in front of the rods and cones from all parts of the retina to form the optic nerve, which goes to the spinal cord.

Ways to maintain healthy eyes:
-Eat lots of green leafy vegetables, including spinach, raw vegetable juices, as well as carrots and carrot juice.
-Eat blueberries, celery juice, cabbage and egg yolks.
-include soaked nuts and seeds.
-Take bilberry (at least 320mg daily to improve night vision) and eyebright.
-Take Vitamin A, Vitamin C and Vitamin B complex, ionic trace minerals, and zinc.
– Eat whole grains, especially brown rice.
– Eat egg yolks soft bolied or raw in shakes.
-Eat plenty of fish, raw goat’s milk
-Do a liver cleanse once or twice a year.
-Do eye exercise.

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